Thursday, 26 September 2013


1. How is emergence of sociology linked with modernization of Europe (2008/60)
2. Short note: Book view and Field view indian sociology (2011/15)
3. Short note: Indological perspective of G.S.Ghurye (09/20)


  1. Emergence of sociology
    Modernization refers to drastic changes that occured in social, political, cultural and economic aspects of society. Factors like industrialization, rationalization etc led to modernization in Europe in 18th century. These changes caused many problems. To undestand these chages and problems associated with them, sociology emergesd as a discipline.

    Industrial revolution started in Britan in 18th century, spread to entire western Europe by 1870. It also affected social, cultural, political and financial aspects of society. It led to urbanisation, growth of slums, formation of nuclear family, emergence of different classes etc. All these changes are closely studied by sociologists. For example Marx explained the conditions of working class in terms his theory of alienation and class struggle. Class has become a study topic. Also stratification of society in terms of various classes is studied. Similarly formation of slums, associated issues like deviant behaviour, formation sub cultures were also studied.

    Another important factor which affected society is french revolution. It spread ideas like liberty, fraternity and equality, which led to formation of democratic institutions. Political sociology has evolved as a separate branch of study.

    Rennaiscence gave impetus to rational thinking and development of science. Scientific inventions caused industrial revolution. So it indirectly helped to the emergence of sociology.

    Darwins theory of evolution made sociologists like parson to think in terms of living organism and evolution, which led to emergence of structural functional perspective.

    So changed cultural, social milieu led to emergence of sociology.

  2. Book view and field view
    Book view refers to studying indian society from classical texts and manuscripts, focus is mainly upon the culture. Where as field view studies society from structural perspective by participant observation.

    Book view in india is practiced by indologists like ghurye, kapadia, karve etc. Where as field view is proposed by mn srinivas. A. Betellie used this approach to study sripuram village in TN, sc dube studied shamirpet village near hyderabad.

    Sociologists like mn srinivas are critical about book view, say that it will not give true picture of indian society so they propose field view. However field view suffers from the subjectivity of the participant who observes and records the society. But by following scientific methods of abservation, the subjectivity arises from caste, class, gender and culture can be avoided.

    So by following field view indian society can be studied realistically and structurally.

  3. Indology
    Indology means studying indian society from concepts, theories and framework of indian civilization. It gives importance to culture than empirical structure of society. Indologists use language, ideas, beliefs, rituals, ceremonies etc to study indian society. Classical texts, manuscripts, archeological artifacts and symbolic expressions are used as means.

    Indological studies are divided into indic studies, oriental studies. Indic studies offer positive view of indian society and culture where as oriental studies offer negative view.

    Bk sarkar, G.S. Ghurye, rk mukharjee, km kapadia, ph prabhu and iravati karve practice indological approach.

    According to Gs ghury individual in india has commitment to culture hence his thoughts, actions, behavior ares haped by it. So indian society has to be studied from cultural point of view. But sociologists like Mn srinivas are critical of the view, that it will not give true picture of indian society and hence it has to be studied by participant observation.

  4. Could you please reverse the foreground/background colour themes of your blog .... its little painful to read, Jus a suggestion, Sir!

  5. Brother if you draw out a plan of topics to be discussed then that will be really helpful, as I have yet to finish paper I n then I will start with paper II. Only 2 months are left for mains hence this plan will be most helpful.

    1. All that I have in my mind is that we will finish the syllabus by Nov 10th. One question from each topic. We will go as per UPSC syllabus. I will see if I can come up with schedule. Since I am time pressed I have not done it yet. But thanks for the suggestion.

  6. Regarding the Question #1, I have written a note on this on my blog, here it is -

    I hope it adds little value to your answer. :)
