1. Ozone hole results in
a. More UV radiation reaching the earth
b. Cooling of the earth
c. Warming of the earth
d. Increased incidence of skin cancers
e. Decrease in photosynthetic activity of plants
2. Which of the following are greenhouse gases
a. CH4
b. Co2
c. Co
d. O3
e. H2O
3. Consider the points about Polar vortex which brought havoc in US recently by bringing the temperatures down to record low levels
a. Polar vortex is cold air surrounded by Jet streams at the poles
b. Global warming causes intensifying of polar vortex
c. Polar vortex also leads to ozone depletion
d. Arctic polar vortex is more regular and contained than that of Antarctic one
which of the above statements are true
4. Consider the following statements regarding ozone hole (thinning of ozone layer)
a. Ozone hole is more pronounced over arctic than on Antarctic
b. Ozone hole is more pronounced in summer than in winter
c. It is more pronounced at poles than in any other latitude because of more pollution created by western countries like US and UK
which of the above statements is/are true?
5. Which of the following statements regarding Jet streams is true
a. They are fast flowing winds high in the troposphere
b. They are caused by temperature difference but earths rotation does not play any role, unlike other winds like westerlies and trade winds
c. There are two types of Jet streams, namely polar and subtropical in both the hemispheres
d. Polar jet streams are slower than subtropical jet streams
e. In winter the speed of jet streams si compared to summer
f. Global warming makes the jet streams move faster