Friday, 4 July 2014

Food for thought - UPSC (IAS) prelims special

1. Ozone hole results in
a. More UV radiation reaching the earth
b. Cooling of the earth
c. Warming of the earth
d. Increased incidence of skin cancers
e. Decrease in photosynthetic activity of plants

2. Which of the following are greenhouse gases
a. CH4
b. Co2
c. Co
d. O3
e. H2O

3. Consider the points about Polar vortex which brought havoc in US recently by bringing the temperatures down to record low levels
a. Polar vortex is cold air surrounded by Jet streams at the poles
b. Global warming causes intensifying of polar vortex
c. Polar vortex also leads to ozone depletion
d. Arctic polar vortex is more regular and contained than that of Antarctic one
which of the above statements are true

4. Consider the following statements regarding ozone hole (thinning of ozone layer)
a. Ozone hole is more pronounced over arctic than on Antarctic
b. Ozone hole is more pronounced in summer than in winter
c. It is more pronounced at poles than in any other latitude because of more pollution created by western countries like US and UK
which of the above statements is/are true?

5. Which of the following statements regarding Jet streams is true
a. They are fast flowing winds high in the troposphere
b. They are caused by temperature difference but earths rotation does not play any role, unlike other winds like westerlies and trade winds
c. There are two types of Jet streams, namely polar and subtropical in both the hemispheres
d. Polar jet streams are slower than subtropical jet streams
e. In winter the speed of jet streams si compared to summer
f. Global warming makes the jet streams move faster

Food for thought - UPSC (IAS) prelims special

*These questions are from pressure belts and winds chapter of geography (not from NCERT)

1. The atmosphere is rarefied at high altitudes and dense near the earth surface hence the pressure reduces as one goes up. The reason for this effect is/are
b. Humidity
c. Gravity
d. Composition of air

2. Which of the following statements are true
a. Moist air weighs heavier than dry air
b. Moist air exerts low pressure than dry air

3. Identify  correct statements
a. When isobars are far apart, there is marked difference in the pressure b/w the two areas and the weather is stormy
b. When the isobars are close, there is less difference in the pressure b/w the two places and the weather is calm
c. Isobars are more regular on earth than on oceans

4. There are two low pressure belts on the globe one is near equator (0-5) and the other is around poles (60-65). With reference to these low pressure regions consider the following statements
a. The low pressure region at the equator is caused by temperature and earth rotation effects
b. Low pressure region around poles is cause purely because of temperature effect, earth rotation does not play any role

5. Identify true statements
a. offshore winds blow from sea to land whereas onshore winds blow from land to sea
b. Trade winds are offshore winds whereas westerlies are onshore winds

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Food for thought - UPSC (IAS) prelims special

1. Consider the following statements with reference to Essential Commodities Act
a. Under the Essential Commodities Act state govts can restrict the amount of stock to be held by traders
b. hence can control the hoarding and black marketing
c. Under the Essential Commodities Act state can restrict only distribution of commodities but not the production
d. Onion and Potato are covered under the essential commodities act
e. Centre can bring additional commodities to be covered only by modifying the act in the parliament

2. Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures, which allows countries to protect their citizens from consuming food or related items if there is scientific evidence to prove that the particular product is harmful, are related to which organisation
a. United nations
b. World health organisation
c. World trade organisation
d. World food organisation

3. Compensatory afforestation implies
a. Afforestation practised by government for the loss of forests
b. Paying money to tribals who lose their homes in the forest
c. Afforestation practised by industries for the loss of forest due to setting up of the industries

4. Which of the following are part of MDG
a. reduction in IMR
b. Reduction in MMR
c. Combating AIDs
d. Environment protection

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Food for thought - UPSC (IAS) prelims special

*These questions are based on NCERT 12th Geography, India people and economy

1. Which of the following crops are grown in Zaid season
a. watermelons
b. Ground nuts
c. Cucumber

2. Green revolution has resulted in
a. Decrease in soil fertility
b. Increase in regional disparities disparities
c. Increase in use of fertilizers and pesticides

3. Which of the following sectors use the water the most
a. Industry
b. Agriculture
c. Domestic

4. Watershed management involves
a. Conservation, regeneration and judicious use of water resources
b. Conservation, regeneration and judicious use of Land resource
c. Conservation, regeneration and judicious use of plants
d. Conservation, regeneration and judicious use of animals

5. Which of the following statements are correct regarding HDI
a. Human development index (HDI) is published by World bank
b. HDI is published biennially
c. HDI takes into account of Income, Education, Health and Inequality